In the original game, there were just two people who could actually play in the cooperative mode, in Divinity Original Sin 2 players will be able to have up to 4 players that can compete or assist each other in multiplayer mode. The dialogue and quests depending on what the player chooses are different, depending on the characters’ backstory. These same companions can become playable characters in multiplayer modes. In this game, like the original, the player will be able to choose their character’s stats, race and origin story. The game can be played by a single person who can recruit up to three companions to assist them. The game unfolds like this with the end goal being a way to defeat the Bishop and allow magic to be a part of the world this game and the original have been set. The elf calls the man “impressive … for a human.” The dwarf notes that Harrald murdered hundreds of dwarves and was a monster at best, not a hero worthy of praise. Examples of this include something like the human thief is familiar with the legends revering Harrald. There are certain memories that are tied to this character because of the hometown and the interactions of the rest of the party is also helped determined by the backstory of the main character. For instance, there is one human character that actually grew up in one of the starting points of the game. There are a number of different main characters and classes that will be playable in the game and the backstory of each character and class and race will be help allow the story unfold as the users play. The four sorcerers actually begin the game in jail because they have been found out by Bishop Alexander but they are quick to escape their bonds. Something similar to the Lone Wolf talent in Divinity: Original Sin, this may allow for smaller parties, or even a single character. In Divinity: Original Sin 2, Bishop Alexander the Innocent declare all sorcerers to be criminals, so a group of four sorcerers embark on a quest to defeat him. Those who have gotten their hands on a playable pre-alpha build of the game say it “has noticeably more ornate graphics and a few new systems-despite using a large amount of placeholder assets from the first game.” Story The other unlocks have mod support, a Hall of Echoes home, Game Master mode,racial skills, and a Strategist mode. Other stretch goals included unlocking the Undead as a playable fifth race and a second pick a skill tree option. Among the additions that the stretch goals unlocked were the Love & Hate and the Shapeshifting Mask goals. When it comes to the number of stretch goals that were met through funding, there was a total of eight different tiers. On the same day they announced the addition to the development team, Larian also announced there would be a playable demo of sorts at Twitchcon. Avellone has worked on Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment, and Pillars of Eternity.

On September 20, Larian Studios announced they had brought another developer into the fold to work on Divinity: Original Sin 2. Chris Avellone came in thanks in large part to his work in other RPG games that all had a more Western bent. The popularity of the first game would have allowed the development team to get its funding from a larger company but the firm decided to go this route because they wanted opinions from the community when developing the game, as well as allowing them to further expand the vision they originally had for this game. When Larian Studios decided it was time to pull the game off Kickstarter, all of the available stretch goals were met, with over 2 million dollars collected in total. Funding came in so quickly for the title, some of the stretch goals were reached before they were even announced. The Kickstarter officially went live on August 26 and the game reached its $500,000 goal on Kickstarter in less than 12 hours. Divinity Original Sin 2 was first announced in August of 2015 and after being officially unveiled it was revealed that the game would be going through the crowdfunding website Kickstarter in order to get the funds necessary for development.